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    34 projects

    Of/On/Over Tufo

    University of Edinburgh

    Lifelong Learning Hub: Theatre & Performing Arts Residency in Falkirk

    University of Edinburgh

    Degrowth through Community Conviviality: Craigleith Recycling Social Centre

    University of Edinburgh

    The Antwerp Athenaeum

    Glasgow School of Art

    Order and Disorder: The Journey to Reclaiming Brick

    University of Edinburgh

    Brick by Brick Accommodation: Candleriggs Social Housing

    University of Strathclyde

    The Retreat at Balloch

    Glasgow School of Art

    Of/ On/ Over Tufo: Architectures of Uncertain Ground

    University of Edinburgh

    Regenerating The Barras: A 10 Year Framework Plan

    University of Strathclyde

    Support structures within a Remedial Landscape

    Glasgow School of Art

    Seven Acts of Spaccanapoli

    University of Edinburgh

    The Forgotten Waterways of Glasgow: The Glasgow Canal as a Corridor of Environmental Justice

    University of Strathclyde

    Preservation & Enhancement - Vision for a Yemeni Mountain Settlement

    University of Strathclyde

    Through the Ruins They are Forged

    University of Edinburgh

    School of the Crafts

    Glasgow School of Art

    Human-Machine Interaction

    Glasgow School of Art

    The Manahttan Studiolo: A Coalesed Landscape of Manhattan's Narratives & Unbuilt Potentials

    University of Edinburgh

    (Un)doing Thresholds: Door / Ways to New Neapolitan Practice(s)

    University of Edinburgh

    (Un)doing Thresholds; Door / Ways to New Neapolitan Practice(s)

    University of Edinburgh

    (Un)doing Thresholds; Door / Ways to New Neapolitan Practice(s)

    University of Edinburgh

    (Un)doing Thresholds; Door / Ways to New Neapolitan Practice(s)

    University of Edinburgh

    Charring Cross Cultural Center

    University of Strathclyde

    Of/ On/ Over Tufo: Architectures of Uncertain Ground

    University of Edinburgh

    Music Retreat Balloch

    Glasgow School of Art

    Retreat and Music Hall in Balloch

    Glasgow School of Art

    Falkirk Gateway: Living and Learning on the High Street

    University of Edinburgh

    Urban Ca[r]talyser: A Reconsideration of Value Regimes through Architecture

    University of Edinburgh

    s'docha: suggestions for Glenuig / [Boat Building School]

    University of Edinburgh

    Character through Typologies

    University of Dundee

    Faith in Discussion: A Centre for Empiricism

    University of Dundee

    Performance Hall and Accommodation in Balloch

    Glasgow School of Art

    Space Research Centre

    Robert Gordon University

    Puck's Furrow

    University of Edinburgh

    Against Aseptic Corporeality

    Glasgow School of Art