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    Hannah Williams

    Of/ On/ Over Tufo: Architectures of Uncertain Ground

    Charting Sanità Charting Uncertain Grounds Earthworks | Ground Floor Plan Woodworks | Sectional Perspective Woodworks | The Street Woodworks | Structure-free archive cloister

    Charting Sanità

    Naples is sinking; the city is undermined by an unreliable substratum, disturbed by sinkholes, landslides, earthquakes and disease. Of/ On/ Over Tufo seeks to re-engage Naples with its ground.




    Naples is sinking; the city is undermined by an unreliable substratum, disturbed by sinkholes, landslides, earthquakes and disease. Concrete constructions within the city have led to collapses in the caverns below, giving new urgency to the adage that Naples is built on nothing. "Of/ On/ Over Tufo" seeks to re-engage Naples with its ground, reminding the city of its volcanic substrate, and that uncertain ground can form the basis for rethinking how Naples builds in and of itself. New architectural proposals within "Of/ On/ Over Tufo" explore a series of social amenities and workshops exploring ground conditions and tectonics that reinforce the essential nature of a healthy relationship with ground within the Lotti and Tronari quarries.

    “Woodworks” is one of four segments that bring the quarry masterplan together. Spruce and larch trees are planted within the quarry aiding the conservation of soil, movement of water and providing sustainable material for construction. They grow alongside bespoke spaces for carpentry, joinery and teaching for the passing down of skills. The Woodworks adds civic function with an archive that documents production, sales and growth of the scheme.

    Collaborators: Rachel Briglio, Holly Poulton, Maliina Toivakka

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