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    Karina Kuznecova (Armanda)


    Weaving factory and community garden in underused site. Reinterpretation of Machiya facade. Community garden and roof bee-keeping station. Kyoto context. Memories. Unintentionally designed model. Recycled materials only. Tree house - experiment.

    Weaving factory and community garden in underused site.

    How can the participatory architecture in underused sites of Kyoto, bring new notion to the oriental street and its' communities in a contemporary context?




    The thesis sought to investigate model, where skills and knowledge of professionals and users come to­gether; those are exchanged, shared and evolved by any participant of the mechanism. This mechanism would also include a library of recycled materials and underused/odd/shal­low sites of Kyoto for projects to be constructed. The idea appeared due to personal observation of the architectural pro­fession and its separation from the making process. In the 20th century Europe witnessed the shift towards architecture as commodity rather than cultural asset – the shift from architect working with materials to specifying products. My intention is to develop a model which I can apply in a Western con­text. To explore what kind of archi­tect I want to be, and as important, what kind of architect I can be in the context of climate change.

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