Azmina Gulamhusein
Future Scenario of Zuidas
A cultural arts centre alongside an elevated pedestrian habitable bridge acts as the next step in making the financial district of Zuidas greener, friendlier and more attractive to all.
Within Amsterdam, the area of Zuidas, is considered to be the financial district and business centre which have evolved during the last decade. From an architectural point of view, it can be seen as a conglomerate of medium sized, office towers, all arranged around the metro station and A10 highway. This year long design project analyses the specific spatial characteristics of this district, the financial economic parameters, with local, regional and global contexts, focusing on a strategy of implementing non-standard functions and architectural typologies, within this district. Strategies of mobility are also at the core of this research, trying to determine a large-scale urban strategy of spatially weaving together business, finance, start-ups and leisure and arts.