Considerate Pockets of Space
Cross Section and Bay Study
An inclusive space down one of Dundee's characteristic lanes aiming to provide a safe public centre, focusing on the mental, social and physical well-being of the whole community.
Throughout our busy everyday lives our personal, physical and mental health is too often neglected as a priority. In order to promote and encourage healthy well-being, architecturally, there must be a safe space accessible to people from all ages and backgrounds. This proposal attempts to create such a space which has a driving force for both mental/social health and physical health.
This proposal intends to preserve the spatial quality of the site - a green pocket of space hidden within Westfield Lane. This leads to the idea of the continuity of an architectural idea through all scales of a project. New and additional pockets of internal and external space are created throughout the project at various scales, such as, courtyards, courts and seating. The building as a whole is considerate of it’s context as it moves away from the existing trees and reflects the materiality of its surroundings.