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    Aidan Cummins

    Roseangle Community Centre, Dundee, Scotland

    West Elevation, Seafield Rd

    West Elevation, Seafield Rd

    A multi-use public building nestled within the heart of Roseangle, West End Lanes Conservation Area, Dundee.




    Working close to boundary edges and existing buildings, while retaining the green space contained within the site, has been a major influence on the design of this project. Throughout the design process and the architectural investigation, the work produced tested the boundaries of common architectural practice and theory. Although this created problems and parameters; this produced a contextual and effective proposal, bringing positive attributes to the area.

    Situating the entrance on the residential route of Seafield Road helped the building achieve a design that was not just unobtrusive to the streetscape but in keeping and complimentary of the surrounding built environment.

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