A Woman's Place
The Centre for Sisterhood park entrance
This project envisions Glasgow as a feminist city which supports women and their communities by creating empowering places and allowing everyone to access, experience, and enjoy the city.
Initial research highlighted 2 key urgencies: violence against women, and gender inequalities associated with urban habitation. It was found that such issues contribute to negative city experiences for women and can deepen pre-existing gender inequalities. Some of these issues have also been exaggerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighting an urgency around the topic.
The proposals primarily provide opportunities for the re-distribution of unpaid care and domestic work, and to improve feelings of safety in the city. Therefore, mitigating existing gender-based burdens to allow women to thrive.
The project brief is divided into 3 scales for sisterhood: city, centre, and satellites. Specific spatial requirements differ between each scale, however, there will be a collective approach to re-distribute unpaid care work and to improve feelings of safety in public spaces. Such spaces will be established by the concept for sisterhood to generate strength in communities.
The ‘city for sisterhood’ will propose design interventions for safer public spaces in the city which can align with further scales for sisterhood. Such proposals will include lighting, signage, access around the city, and public spaces. These proposal follow a route through the city which link the centre and satellite scales.
The ‘centre for sisterhood’ will propose a site based focussed community proposal for a collection of spaces to support women in an urban context. This will include spaces to support unpaid care and domestic work, emergency and long-term housing, support for victims of violence, and safe outdoor spaces.
The ‘satellites for sisterhood’ will adopt elements of the centre for sisterhood to introduce smaller-scale, adaptable spaces for women across the city.