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    Preethika Chandran

    A Women's' Place

    A safe place for Women in a Man's World Motives Axonometric Scheme An act of Social Intergration Care for the Young Women at Work

    A safe place for Women in a Man's World

    When we use design to reignite a sense of belonging for abuse survivors, we can encourage them to feel empowered to find strength in moments of weakness and choose a path forward to recovery.




    ‘A shelter needs to be so much more than a room behind a locked door’.

    Despite the progress in gender equality through feminist movements, women still experience the world through a series of social, cultural, and economic barriers that continue to shape their everyday life. In a world where the primary decision makers are men, I understand that a shelter needs to be so much more than a room behind a locked door. Hence the design proposal is used to reignite a sense of belonging for abused survivors. It is through empowerment that they can find strength through moments of weakness to choose a path forward to recover.

    If the elimination of violence against women and gender disparity seem out of reach, not only must we fight for the causes of women - which have long been called for - but we must also face the consequences caused by structural sexism every day.
    Hence designing a place for victims of domestic violence, and well- being facilities are necessary for women to make them feel safe and empowered in a man’s world.

    “My dream is to see a society of equal opportunities, without the stark social segregation, without poverty, hunger, homelessness, and where women can walk around anywhere and everywhere as safely and freely as men.”


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