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    Hana Shin

    A Glass of Memory: response from Glasgow’s distilleries to the climate and biodiversity crises

    Aerial view of a new type of distillery landscape, Glasgow Freshwater & rooftop management and spatial programmes River Clyde Dynamic creation: A life of human and non-human Bio-remediation Swimming Pool Community area and Rooftop Garden Water Haha Garden (SuDs)

    Aerial view of a new type of distillery landscape, Glasgow

    Introducing a network of small-scale community distilleries within urban distillery landscapes as a catalyst to create an urban ecosystem within a resilient Glasgow.




    A Glass of Memory aims to create a hybrid landscape of closed-loop urban ecological systems, based on the principles of industrial ecology, giving a prominent role to the reclamation of water within a restored urban ecosystem. The project focuses on the transformation of a vacant brownfield site along the River Clyde waterfront adjacent to Clydeside Distillery. This contemporary building incorporates the Pump House, an important Glasgow landmark and monument to the city’s industrial and dockland heritage. The designed distillery landscape will act as a prototype to the restoration of a forgotten urban waterfront landscape to one that provides cultural opportunities for Glasgow residents and its visitors. The project will provide a framework for the creation of designed semi-natural habitats which support an increase in biodiversity alongside future urban developments. It will demonstrate good practice for the transformation of an urban waterfront towards a more resilient, sustainable and productive space. At the same time, it will provide a place that provokes memories of Glasgow’s industrial heritage and Scottish natural landscapes, a space for cultural events, as well as shaping the waterfront into a more sculptural form that provides a more accessible and inclusive public realm. This design will create an innovative landscape, one that will inspire further inspirational development along the River Clyde to the benefit of humans and non-humans.


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