Gabrielle McAllister
New Life for old buildings, Hodge community dance hub
Main sectional detail showcasing the vibrant atmosphere.
It focuses on the growing concerns for Glasgow’s derelict buildings, analysing how we can bring new life and identity to both a building and its community through the verbs “To Play” and “To Perform.”
Can Dance Bring New life and identity to both a community and its forgotten building?
This project aims to bring new life to the former school Gymnasium block in Possilpark an area that has one of the highest percentage of deprivation in Glasgow. Analysing the growing social issues of Possilpark as a community and the lack of connectivity to the current, rundown community facilities has influenced the concept of a new dance community hub. That is inclusive to all genders, ages, capabilities and backgrounds that will in turn help to bring play back to the community giving it a new sense of identity.
Dance and movement has always and will continue to be a human instinct. It brings a sense of escapism to the obvious pressures of life, allowing for laughter, joy and connectedness with one another.
Integrating competitive and recreational dance with the ability to host performances with its wide variety of users engages a wider audience to want to be apart of the community.
This project aims to address the importance of retrofit as a strategy to help reduce our carbon impact on the environment. By reclaiming these old buildings and giving them new life will help minimise the future effects, helping create a new strategy to re-engage and develop our cities.
Reflecting on a modern approach to the historical culture and industrial heritage of Possilpark as a place people want to be apart of again.