architectural democracy
InhabitFolly is an architectural network that offers a new narrative to the unfinished public structures in Sicily, by rethinking a new way connect them and to bring people in.
InhabitFolly is an architectural network led by volunteers and social organisations. It offers a new narrative to the unfinished public structures in Sicily, by rethinking a new way connect them and to bring people in.
Once recognized the impact that corruption and politics have had on architecture in this territory, the region with most unfinished public structures in Italy, inhabitFolly questions if architecture can change politics. It transforms the unfinished Sicilian follies into platforms that encourage political and architectural conversation and exchange. The barrenness and the “non- complete” state of the structures offer infinite possibilities in the design of a supplementary programme that can inhabit them.
The programme takes an active part in making a democratic space for public use; it gives back the structures to the people that are now able to use it to host public events and workshops. Political and ethical architecture must take an active role in making space for public engagement.
Site specific architectural intervention provide the physical fabric to the network and it gives the framework to sustain the activities conceived for the sites.
INHABITFOLLY gives a new future to the Incompiuto (the unfinished) with the illusion of what is was yesterday.